
  • [Medium 번역] 6 Habits of Super Learners
    영어 리뷰/Medium 리뷰 2020. 2. 27. 08:30


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    <본문 요약>

    1. 슈퍼러너는 많이 읽는다.

    In a world where information is the new currency, reading is the best source of continuous learning, knowledge and acquiring more of that currency.

    정보가 새로운 화폐인 세상에서, 읽기는 지속적인 배움 및 지식과 화폐를 얻는 최고의 소스다.

    2. 슈퍼러너는 배움을 하나의 과정으로 바라본다.

    Super learners value the process. They don’t have an end goal, they seek consistent improvement. They keep mastering new principles, processes, worldviews, thinking models, etc. The “ongoing, voluntary, and self-motivated” pursuit of knowledge is important for their maturity.

    슈퍼러너는 과정에 가치를 둔다. 그들은 마지막 목표가 없으며, 그들은 지속적인 성장을 추구한다. 그들은 계속해서 새로운 원리, 과정, 세계관, 사고체계 등을 갈고 닦는다. "지속적이고, 자발적이며 스스로 동기부여된" 지식의 추구는 그들의 성숙에 중요하다.

    3. 슈퍼러너는 성장 마인드를 갖고있다.

    Cultivating a growth or adaptable mindset can help you focus more on your most desirable goals in life. It may influence your motivation and could make you more readily able to see opportunities to learn and grow your abilities.

    성장 혹은 적응할 수 있는 마인드를 갖고자 하는 것은 당신을 인생에서 가장 가치있는 목표에 집중할 수 있게 도와 줄 수 있다. 그것은 당신의 동기에 영향을 끼치고 당신을 훨씬 빠르게 배울 기회를 찾고 능력을 성장시킬 수 있도록 합니다.   

    4. 슈퍼러너는 그들이 아는 것을 가르친다.

    The ultimate test of your knowledge is your capacity to transfer it to another.

    지식의 궁극적인 테스트는 다른사람에게 전달하는 것이다.

    5. 효율적인 학습자는 그들의 뇌를 관리한다.

    That means eating lots of foods associated with slowing cognitive decline

    인지 저하를 늦추는 음식을 많이 먹는 것이다.

    6. 그들은 자주 그리고 일찍 짧은 휴식을 취한다.

    “Everyone thinks you need to ‘practice, practice, practice’ when learning something new. Instead, we found that resting, early and often, maybe just as critical to learning as practice,”

    "모두가 무언가 새로운 것을 배울 때 '연습하고, 연습하고, 연습하는' 것이 필요하다고 생각합니다. 사실, 우리는 자주 그리고 짧게 휴식을 취하는 것이 배움에 있어서 연습 만큼 중요하다고 생각했습니다."

    <단어 정리>

    polymath : someone who has a lot of knowledge about many different subjects

    exceptional : unusually good

    discipline : a way of training someone so that they learn to control                                           their behaviour and obey rules

    roam :  to walk or travel, usually for a long time, with no clear purpose or direction

    expanse : a very large area of water, sky, land etc

    corporate : belonging to or relating to a corporation

    acquire :  to obtain something by buying it or being given it

    keen : wanting to do something or wanting something to happen very much

    curate : to choose and organize the artmusicobjects etc for an exhibition, show, concert etc

    More than ever : more now than in the past

    indispensable : so important or useful that it is impossible to manage without them

    stay relevant : to stay known, to stay famous

    maturity : the quality of behaving in a sensible way like an adult

    ongoing : continuing, or continuing to develop

    pursuit : when someone tries to get, achieve, or find something in a determined way

    revolve around : to have something as a main subject or purpose

    illiterate : someone who is illiterate has not learned to read or write

    readily : quickly and easily

    trace :  to find someone or something that has disappeared by searching for them carefully

    pinpoint : to discover or explain exactly the real facts about something or the cause of a problem

    coin : to invent a new word or expression, especially one that many people start to use

    revere : to respect and admire someone or something very much

    dense : made of or containing a lot of things or people that are very close together

    capacity : the amount of space a container, room etc has to hold things or people

    retrieve :to find something and bring it back

    robust : a robust person is strong and healthy

    spinach : vegetable with large dark green leaves

    legume : a plant such as a bean plant that has seeds in a pod

    saturated fats : type of fat from meat and milk products that is thought to be less healthy than other kinds of fat from vegetables or fish

    oxidative : 산화의

    wear and tear : the damage that happens to an object in ordinary use during a period

    intervene  : to become involved in an argumentfight, or other difficult situation in order to change what happens

    extensive : large in size, amount, or degree

    Downtime  : the time when a computer is not working

    interval : the period of time between two eventsactivities etc

    space out : to arrange objects or events so that they have equal spaces or periods of time between them



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